Jalen Newsome

Assistant Coach, Director of Operations


Athletic Coaching and Development
Athlete Support and Career Navigation

About Me:

Education & Training

Jalen Newsome, Director of Operations College Bound Athletes, Inc., is a dynamic leader whose achievements span the fields of academia, athletics, and entrepreneurship. Originating from a lineage of athletic and academic prowess, Jalen graduated Magna Cum Laude from Central State University (CSU), where he also excelled as a key player on the men’s basketball team.

Athletic Distinction

From 2015 to 2018, Jalen demonstrated exceptional talent and dedication as part of CSU’s men’s basketball team. His commitment to the sport is reflected not just in his performance on the court but also in his holistic approach to athlete development, emphasizing skill, mental wellness, and physical conditioning.

Entrepreneurial Flair

Jalen’s entrepreneurial journey is marked by the successful launch and management of Yng Dna, a cutting-edge clothing brand. Here, he combines his passion for fashion with a keen sense of business, setting new trends and standards in the fashion industry.

Academic and Professional Excellence

Jalen is not just an athlete and entrepreneur; he’s also a dedicated scholar. Graduating Magna Cum Laude from CSU, he showed an unwavering commitment to academic achievement. His multifaceted expertise includes roles as Director of Operations for Hughley Hoopsters Basketball and Westlake Basketball, and as Sports Information Director for Wade Elite. He also served as a Resident Advisor at Central State University, showcasing his abilities in both academic and extracurricular settings.

Leadership in Youth Development

Jalen’s role as Director of Operations at College Bound Athletes, Inc., epitomizes his commitment to fostering the next generation of student-athletes. By focusing on areas such as skill development, academic improvement, and mental well-being, he aims to guide young individuals toward reaching their full potential in both sports and academics.

Guided by Universal Values

Above all, Jalen’s life is directed by a set of universal values that include compassion, service, and leadership. These principles shape his relationships with family and friends and are the driving force behind his desire to mentor the next generation in achieving their dreams, whether in the classroom, on the court, or in life at large.